Register to Serve Name * First Name Last Name Email Phone Number Which gathering would you like to serve at? * 8:30AM: Sunday Traditional 10:30AM: Sunday Contemporary 10:30AM: Tuesday Traditional Other 12 years or older Yes No Check areas you would like to help * Morning Tea: Brew and serve coffee after the gathering. Hospitality: Welcome, inform, spiritually encourage people. Registration: Meet people, answer questions, and check them into church. Kids: Teach children the Bible in a fun, creative and engaging environment. Cleaning: Vacuum the facilities and clean the toilets. Production: Help the audio and visual team set up and run the gathering. Ushers: Direct people to seats, pass out Bibles, and clean up. Music: Musicians and singers to play with the band. Special Events: Help with hospitality, coffee, ushering, and set up. Youth: Plan youth events, teach teens the Bible, and be a godly role model. Prayer: Lead God's people in prayer during the main gathering. Reading: Lead God's people by reading the Bible during the main gathering. Communion: Setup for communion and clean up afterwards. Do you have a Working With Children Check? * Yes No Working With Children Check number: Have you done Safe Ministry Training? * Yes No Special Notes Thank you!