Christians are called to do life together.

Share your life around the table.

Life Groups

More than a couple of hours on a Sunday, church is about sharing life together. Life Groups are the way we gather during the week around the table to be the people of Jesus in our neighbourhoods.

Live as family 

As the family of God, we take time each week to eat together, care for one another, and share life together. Communities are formed with 5-15 people who live in the same area, loving and supporting each other in practical ways.

Become like Jesus

As disciples of Jesus, we order our lives around the lifestyle of Jesus in community. Each week we spend time praying together, engaging in honest conversation, and creating space for the Spirit to speak to us through the Word.

Serve the town

As citizens of heaven, we get to share the gospel and serve our neighbours. Through everyday life, we are building a new humanity defined by the way of Jesus. We want to be people of hope and joy in a world of sadness and despair.

Learn the basics of following Jesus.

Join a life group

If you are ready to join a Life Group the next step for you is to connect with us. We will discuss a vision for how to share life together and place you into a small group of people who live in your part of the town.

Youth life group

Our youth life group meets on the 2nd and 4th Sunday from 12 pm to 2 pm in the Scone Anglican Hall. We enjoy fellowship and fun, and also dive into the Word of God together.